June 2025: Change Enactments

CE Hours: 2.0
Instructor: C. Wayne Jones, PhD

A Live, Interactive Webconference
Friday, June 6, 2025, North Carolina via Live Interactive Zoom

This workshop describes the “change enactment,” an experiential method grounded in systems theory, where therapists create opportunities for families to shift their negative patterns to more functional ones. In ESFT, change enactments are a core technique for creating change. This workshop introduces the Change Enactment Version of the Family Therapy Enactment Scale (FTES-rev). A review of videotaped family sessions is used to provide participants the opportunity to recognize and learn the components of an effective change enactment.


As a result of attending this training, participants will be able to:

    1. Describe the central role of enactments in ESFT treatment
    2. Explain how to use the FTES-rev Change Enactment Scale to recognize the essential components of an effective change enactment and promote therapist skill development in using this technique

8:30am-10:30am: Objectives 1-2

This is an intermediate level course. The target audience is behavioral health supervisors working within an Intensive In-Home Ecosystemic Family Therapy Model. This is a live synchronous distance learning activity conducted in real time, allowing for simultaneous participation of participants and instructors from different locations. 

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Visit our FBMHS Policies & FAQs on Live, Interactive Webconferences for additional information regarding CFBT live interactive workshops, accommodations for disabilities, reporting problems with the training, instructions for registering for a training, etc.