Constructing a Relational Timeline

CE Hours: 1.0
Cost: $18
Instructor: C. Wayne Jones, PhD

Timelines, like genograms, can be useful both in assessment and in creating a relational frame for intervention.  As an assessment, the timeline places presenting symptoms in a historical context. The timeline interview, when conducted with the entire family and critical life events of all family members are asked about, the timeline places presenting symptoms in a relational context. Using excerpts from a videotaped family session, this course demonstrates how to conduct a relational timeline, highlighting how it can used as therapeutic tool for shifting the family’s perspective from a behavioral to a relational or systemic perspective. 

This course is designed for beginning to intermediate level behavioral health professionals.

Course Objectives
As a result of completing this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the goals of a relational timeline and how to introduce it to families
  2. Demonstrate how to conduct a timeline interview such that it evokes empathy in caregivers and reframes presenting problem as relational.

This course uses an online distance-learning self-paced format.  It includes recorded audio, recorded video-based webinars, and selected readings.  There are post-tests to ensure comprehension of the material. Participants can communicate with the instructors via the online moodle interface. Real-time communication with the instructor in our online, self-paced distance learning courses is not possible. However, participants can send an email to the instructor via the online moodle interface within the course and expect to receive a response within 48 hours. All course content, including post-tests, should take approximately 1 hour to complete.

Frequently Asked Questions
Visit our Self-Paced, Online Continuing Education Policies & FAQs for additional information regarding the CFBT online learning center, accommodations for disabilities, reporting problems with the course, instructions for viewing webinars, etc.

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