What Didn’t Get to Happen: Understanding & Healing From the Lasting Effects of Childhood Trauma

CE Hours: 4.0
Instructor: Hailey Shafir, MEd, LCMHCS, LCAS, CCS

Cost: This program is sponsored by the Catholic Charities Diocese of Harrisburg and is free to all staff

A Live, Interactive Webconference
Wednesday, March 16, 2022, Catholic Charities via Live Interactive Zoom

Extensive research, much of it based on ACE studies has shown that childhood trauma can have many adverse physical, social, and emotional effects that can persist across the lifespan. This training distinguishes between single incident PTSD and chronic exposure to multiple childhood traumas (e.g., neglect, abuse, witness to violence, etc.) associated with complex trauma. Studies related to the latter informs most of the content presented in this training.  This workshop provides an in-depth review of the most common effects of complex trauma and provides specific examples of ways these effects can present later in life.  Clinicians will also learn about specific relationship patterns, psychiatric problems, and physical health problems that are commonly reported by adults who have experienced early complex trauma.

This training conceptualizes an individual’s response to trauma as dynamic, influenced by the relationship between factors associated with risk, resilience, and aspects of the individual’s social ecology (environment) that promote and protect against the negative impact of exposure to traumatic events.  It is in this context that measures of resilience can be useful in treatment. Measures that can be used with children and for adults are described. Protective factors are identified with an eye for helping clients to modify their thinking, actions, and relational environments to build greater resilience and protection from the effects of neglect and mistreatment in childhood. Case studies are provided to stimulate small group discussion about risk and protective factors, and strategies for strengthening and building upon protective factors.  Although this training is designed primarily to help therapists remain trauma-informed and strength-focused in their case conceptualizations, a brief description of currently available evidence-based interventions for treating complex trauma in adults are presented.

As a result of participating in this training, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify major findings of the Adverse Childhood Events study about the long-term effects of childhood trauma
  2. Identify common adaptations (e.g., coping styles) associated with early trauma and how they present in later life
  3. Describe the ACES, PCES, and Adult Resilience surveys and how to use them in therapy sessions with clients
  4. Describe evidence informed interventions to help survivors of childhood complex trauma develop more effective coping skills and build resilience


8:30am-8:45 am: Introductions & overview of agenda & course format

8:45-10:30 am: Major findings of the foundational Keisler ACEs study & specific risk factors correlated with high ACE scores. Introduction & review of ACES, PCES and Adult Resilience surveys and how to use them.  Overview of attachment wounds and trauma responses and what to look and listen for in sessions.  How to provide psychoeducation to clients about ACE scores and childhood trauma

10:30-10:40 am: Break

10:40-12:20 pm: Identifying coping styles & helping clients who experienced childhood trauma heal using Evidence-based treatment interventions. Introduction to the 3 major styles of coping and examples and case studies of each. Examples of interpersonal patterns and conflict and communication styles typical in those who experienced early childhood adversity and trauma. 

Review, role-play, and practice of interventions for trauma drawn from: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (including TF-CBT), Somatic theories (EMDR, SE and EFT), & 3rd wave behavior therapies (including DBT, MBCT, and ACT)

12:20-12:30 pm: Wrap up, summary, and Q&A

This is an intermediate level course. The target audience is behavioral health professionals. This is a live synchronous distance learning activity conducted in real time, allowing for simultaneous participation of participants and instructors from different locations.

About The Trainer
Hailey Shafir is a licensed clinical mental health counselor, a licensed addiction specialist, and a board-approved clinical supervisor for newly licensed mental health and addiction counselors. She has more than a decade of experience providing counseling, developing programs for at-risk youth, people struggling with addictions, and providing training and supervision for clinicians. She is the owner of several businesses including Keep Counsel, Plan-it Therapy, IndyWind, and Therapy Cred. Hailey is also a content writer and medical peer reviewer for Addictions.com, the National Drug Helpline, Choosing Therapy, Rehab Adviser, Searchlight, Social Pro Now, and other sites, and has worked to develop online recovery apps and programs for people struggling with addictions and impulse control disorders.


Frequently Asked Questions
Visit our FBMHS Policies & FAQs on Live, Interactive Webconferences for additional information regarding CFBT live interactive workshops, accommodations for disabilities, reporting problems with the training, instructions for registering for a training, etc.