The Center for Family Based Training supervision training program specializes in the development of supervisors working in community-based agencies. In these settings, clinical supervisors are pivotal in maintaining high quality clinical services, playing multiple overlapping clinical oversight roles. In intensive, in-home, family-based services, such as Pennsylvania’s FBMHS and North Carolina’s IIH, these roles include:
- Developing each individual therapist’s clinical and conceptual competencies in the treatment model.
- Ensuring that children and their families are receiving treatment services in accordance with ESFT, the established clinical model.
- Creating and maintaining a culture of learning in their relationships with supervisees that fosters hopefulness and positive morale.
- Developing collaborative treatment teams.
Each of these roles require specialized skills. The Center for Family Based Training’s clinical supervision training provides concrete tools and strategies for strengthening supervisory competencies in each of these roles. Our training focuses on theory and best practice standards, supervision methods, implementation of fidelity and competency measures, and person of the supervisor. Each year, CFBT offers a didactic series on supervision, online courses on supervision, a small group supervision-of-supervision series, and individualized supervision mentoring.
Didactics identify and describe best practices in clinical supervision and introduce supervisory tools, such as measures of fidelity, clinical skills, and treatment outcomes. Small group supervision-of-supervision is experiential and hands-on, with a focus on translating best practices in ESFT supervision to individual supervisees or teams. In these trainings, videotapes of supervision are reviewed and discussed. Individualized supervision mentoring provides supervisors an opportunity to receive in-depth feedback and support. Each of these supervision training modalities are designed to complement one another.