All Site Supervisor Forums 2023-2024

Each of these two 4.0-hour forums create an opportunity for all the supervisors currently in training at the Center for Family Based Training to 1) share current collective challenges they are facing as supervisors in FBMHS and 2) discuss creative strategies for addressing these challenges.  Dr. Jones, the founder and director of CFBT facilitates the forums and is joined by other teaching faculty.  One of the goals of the forums is to ensure everyone (supervisors and faculty) share a common understanding of the current context in which supervisors operate and deliver services. The forums are held at the beginning of the training year (September) and at the end (May).   

This is a live synchronous distance learning activity conducted in real time, allowing for simultaneous participation of participants and instructors from different locations. The supervision forums count toward required annual supervision training hours in Family Based Mental Health Services.  However, CE credit is not available. 


As a result of participating in the forums, supervisors will:

  1. Recognize common challenges in delivering FBMHS and supervising therapists
  2. Identify strategies for effectively supporting therapists in training-related tasks 

Forum 1: ESFT-FBMHS Training 2.0

Facilitators: C. Wayne Jones, PhD and Adam Boguski, MDiv

Thursday, October 12, 2023
8:30am to 12:30pm
Location: All FBMHS Training Sites via Live Interactive Zoom

CFBT has upgraded some components of its training and certification processes, in part spurred by conversations in previous supervisor forums. In this supervisor forum, these updates are shared and discussed.  Supervisors will have opportunities via small group discussions to obtain clarification about these changes and to consider their impacts on supervisory practices.  In addition, the forum provides an opportunity for faculty to learn about the challenges supervisors are currently experiencing in implementing ESFT-FBMHS and discuss potential solutions.

As a result of participating in this Forum, supervisors will be able to:

  1. Describe their current supervisory challenges and hear what different agencies are doing about them.
  2. Describe the three levels of ESFT certification and what is required for each.
  3. Discuss new developments in the training curriculum.

Forum 2: Promoting Competence & Resisting Fear-Based Supervision

Facilitator: C. Wayne Jones, PhD 

Thursday, April 18, 2024
8:30am to 12:30pm
Location: All FBMHS Training Sites via Live Interactive Zoom

Supervisors may feel pressure to relax expectations of their staff, particularly around videotaping sessions or presenting cases in clinicals, when facing the threat of losing staff and not being able to replace them.  The threat is real in that the demand for qualified staff in FBMHS currently outweighs the supply. In this forum, conversations are facilitated between faculty and supervisors around how to maintain high standards with respect to training and service delivery while at the same time providing support to therapists.

As a result of participating in this Forum, supervisors will be able to:

  1. Describe strategies for maintaining competency-based supervision, which includes therapists’ videotaping and showing their work.
  2. Discuss current supervisory challenges and hear what supervisors at different agencies are doing about them.
  3. Discuss new developments related to training.

This is an intermediate level forum. The target audience is behavioral health supervisors working within an Ecosystemic Family Therapy Model. This is a live synchronous distance learning activity conducted in real time, allowing for simultaneous participation of participants and instructors from different locations.