PA Family Based Mental Health Services Supervision 2024-2025

Supervision of Supervision in ESFT

Instructors: Josh Irvine, MA, LPC & Adam Boguski, MDiv

The three-hour small group supervision of supervision training occurs in the afternoons following the five half-day ESFT Case Seminars for each of the regional training groups. On a rotating basis, each supervisor is given 45-minutes to present a team delivering the FBMHS in-home treatment model, ESFT. Supervisors present videos of their teams doing family therapy, as well as videos of their team supervision. They obtain personalized feedback on supervising their teams, are encouraged to reflect upon their work as a supervisor and have opportunities to practice new skills in a supportive atmosphere. ESFT supervisory tools, such as the Brief FBMHS Adherence Scale, are utilized to strengthen supervisory skills in helping supervisees implement the ESFT model with fidelity.

This is a live synchronous distance learning activity conducted in real time, allowing for simultaneous participation of participants and instructors from different locations. This supervision-of-supervision series counts toward required annual supervision training hours in Family Based Mental Health Services. However, CE credit is not available.


As a result of participating in this 15-hour supervision-of-supervision series, supervisors will be able to:

  1. Support the development of supervisees’ skills needed to implement the ESFT model with fidelity.
  2. Establish and maintain a positive, meaningful, and effective relationship with supervisees individually and collectively.

Supervision Didactics for FBMHS

These didactics are required for all contracted FBMHS supervisors. 

FBMHS Supervision Didactics

Although any FBMHS supervisor can attend the two didactics listed below, they are designed for new supervisors (less than two years in the role).  

New Supervisor Trainings

Individual Supervisor Mentoring 

Although this is optional for FBMHS supervisors, it is strongly recommended when new to the role and when preparing to submit for certification as an ESFT supervisor.  A senior faculty member with longstanding experience, not only in ESFT, but also in FBMHS, is assigned to work with the supervisor over the course of the year. In collaboration with the supervisor, an individualized learning contract is collaboratively developed. The supervisor’s videotapes of their supervision are reviewed and discussed. Agencies can contract with CFBT in advance for a specific number of mentoring hours or can add this service at any point during a training year.