Foundations 3: Using Motivational Interviewing Skills to Engage Reluctant Family Members

CE Hours: 6.0
Cost: $120
Instructors: Frani Pollack, MSW, PhD, Shannon Stalnaker, MS, LPC

Thursday, 12/2/21, Norristown via Zoom
Friday, 12/3/21, Philhaven via Zoom

This workshop focuses on the challenge of engaging peripheral and reluctant family members in family treatment. One of the core mechanisms of change in ESFT is ensuring that all key family members have been identified and are engaged and participating in the change process.  Common reasons that a family member may be reluctant to participate in treatment are identified, along with Motivational Interviewing strategies for addressing these challenges.  Resistance is described in terms of the Stages of Change and the relationship interactions between the family member and the ESFT therapist. Motivational Interviewing techniques such as Rolling with Resistance, Developing Discrepancies and Increasing Self-Efficacy are defined, discussed and then role played for skill development. One way that reluctant family members can be identified and engaged in ESFT treatment is through the development of the family ecomap. The components of the eco-map assessment tool and intervention, is described.  Therapists role play conducting an eco-map interview through integrating the Motivational Interviewing skills.


As a result of participating in this workshop, therapists will be able to:  

  1. Define treatment resistance from a relationship lens.
  2. Identify Motivational Interviewing strategies for increasing family member engagement in sessions. 
  3. Describe Stages of Change and apply them to the clinician’s current caseload.
  4. Practice Motivational Interview strategies, such as rolling with resistance, developing discrepancies and increasing self-efficacy.
  5. Identify 3 areas of focus for conducting an ecomap assessment that can assist with engaging peripheral family supports.

8:30am-12:30pm: Objectives 1-3
12:30-1:30pm: Break
1:30-3:30pm: Objectives 4-5

This is a beginner level course. The target audience is behavioral health professionals working within an Ecosystemic Family Therapy Model. This is a live synchronous distance learning activity conducted in real time, allowing for simultaneous participation of participants and instructors from different locations.

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